Two sisters, inseparable friends, and passionate linguists. Together we will polish your text and make it shine on the Slovak market. We can work as a team or individually. There are two choices. Either one of us completes the translation, and the other carefully checks the work, or you order just a single step in this process so that only one of us takes on the task, depending on our workload and capacity. We can easily customize the whole process according to your needs or budget.

Mgr. Lenka Fifková Školníková – graduated from Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia in Translation and Interpreting Studies.

After three years of working as an in-house translator and reviewer, Lenka took a courageous step into the freelancing life and became an instant convert. Lenka is a member of the Slovak Association of Translators and Interpreters as well as the DoSlov, a citizens’ organization that is an association of Slovak literary translators and editors. When she is not translating for money, Lenka is most likely to be found translating pro bono. She has a weakness for sushi rolls and loves reading, travelling, and doing kettlebell exercises and yoga.


—What Katka says about Lenka:

“She has a clear mind. Focused, creative, trustworthy, reliable – this sums up Lenka when she’s working. Optimistic, balanced, cheerful, cool – this is Lenka when she’s completed all her work duties. Our professional paths in the world of translation crossed exactly twice before they became intertwined forever. When Lenka was choosing her alma mater, I was the one who lured her into this business. She, on the other hand, freed me from the corporate world by infecting me with her enthusiasm for a freelancer’s life. Starting working with her and becoming one-half of our translating team was the best decision I ever made.”

Continuous professional development

Digital Skills: Digital Marketing (Accenture)                                                  • Business as Unusual 2 (Chartered Institute of Linguists, in collaboration with eCPD Webinars and Vasiliki Prestidge)
Basics of Content Marketing and Corporate Blogging (Základy obsahového marketingu a korporátneho blogovania, Digital Marketing Club SK, Bratislava, Slovakia)
SEO Basic training (Základy SEO, Locaria, London, Great Britain)
Introduction to PPC – Basics for Linguists (Úvod do PPC – základy pre lingvistov, Locaria, London, Great Britain)
Introduction to Humanitarian Translation (Úvod do prekladu humanitárnych textov, Translators Without Borders)
SDL Trados Studio for Translators (SDL CZ, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)
Post Editing Certification (SDL CZ, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)
SDL Trados Multiterm for Translators and Project Managers (SDL CZ, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)

Mgr. Katarína Školníková, PhD. – graduated from Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia in Translation and Interpreting Studies.

She rounded off her academic studies by obtaining a doctorate from the University of Prešov, Slovakia.
Fast forward a few years and she had obtained invaluable experience that most translators could only dream about, having completed a subsequent translation traineeship at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation and working on countless challenging projects where every word matters.
She developed a hugely impressive portfolio in a variety of fields throughout her in-house and freelance translation and editing experience. And after receiving consistently positive feedback from her clients, she decided it was time to devote all her energy to freelancing.
She is a member of the ITI Medical and Pharmaceutical Network. As a member of this group of professional translators and interpreters, she is always at the cutting edge of her specialism.
In her free time, you can find her in the mountains, on her yoga mat or in a bookshop. She has a particular research interest in child development and loves coming up with fun activities to help children’s bilingual language acquisition.


— What Lenka says about Katka: :

“When I was four years old, Katka taught me how to read. At nursery school, I would brag about all the books I could read. Not only that, but I was also incredibly proud to be one of the youngest holders of a library card. I’ve obviously known Katka all my life, and, during this time, I’ve learned that I can count on her any time for absolutely anything. She is always flawlessly organized and never late in delivering her part of the work. What can I say –simply, she’s my responsible elder sister, a perfectionist to the nth degree. She always plays safe. Plus, she was the one who inspired me to follow her into the exciting world of translation.”

Continuous professional development

Introduction to Dental Medicine (certified online course by the
University of Pennsylvania, taught by: Dr. Uri Hangorsky, Dr. Thomas P. Sollecito, Dr. Eric Stoopler)
How to deal with medical acronyms, initialisms and brief forms in translation? (The Slovak Society of Translators of Scientific and Technical Literature, taught by: Petra Zrníková, Ph.D.)
The Language and Terminology in Medicine (The Slovak Society of Translators of Scientific and Technical Literature, taught by: Mgr. Jozef Štefčík, Ph.D.)
The Language of Medical Translation: Register, Jargon and Inclusive Language (eCPD Webinars, accredited by the Bureau Wbtv and CIOL, taught by: Dr. Karen Leube)
Pedagogical Studies (University of Žilina in Žilina, Slovakia)
Payroll and Human Resources Management (the specialization training
programme by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic)
PRINCE2 Practitioner (OKIN BPS, Ostrava, Czech Republic)
SDL Trados Studio for Translators (certification training, SDL CZ
in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)
SDL Trados Multiterm for Translators and Project Managers (SDL CZ in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)