5 important don’ts when writing a product description

I’m sure you know the product you are manufacturing or selling inside out and back to front. So, you know that it’s great, fancy, high quality and that you are selling it for a bargain price.

All you need to know now is how to persuade your leads that they can no longer live without it.
Your key to success lies in the product description.

Whether you’ll use it on your online marketplace, in a brochure or on an online ad, please always remember a few basic rules:

  • Never settle for the product information provided in the price list or product specification. Your customer will never buy your chair based on its extravagant dimensions.


  • Don’t underestimate your customer and never make the price the most interesting aspect of the product. No matter how much of a bargain it is, people will forget how much they’ve spent the second the product is delivered to their doorstep. If you want them to talk about your product, you need to give them some brilliant features that they can’t stop telling their friends about. “It was really cheap!” is simply not enough.


  • Forget the cliché phrases. ‘The best…’ and ‘more than a…’ just don’t cut it anymore. Let’s keep it real and avoid any bold claims– people immediately doubt something that claims to be the best thing in the world. Do you even believe it yourself? And what does the phrase ‘more than a travel agency’ even mean? Are you going to make sure that there’ll be no family fights during the trip or try and bring about world peace? You know exactly what I’m talking about. If you say that you are ‘more than…’, people will expect everything or simply nothing from you. It’s better to be a standard travel agency which offers a service that no one will ever forget!


  • Never write with the intention of pleasing the search engines at any cost! Give your text the human touch and write to seduce your potential customers. Write your product descriptions to wow the customer, not the search engines.


  • Most of all, never duplicate one product description for several different products on your online marketplace. Google doesn’t like it and neither do readers. I’m sure every product you sell is unique, so make that obvious in your description! Mention why it is exceptional, use your imagination and guide your reader to the tiny details that make it stand out.

Does this seem like mission impossible?

Drop us a line and we’ll polish your product descriptions so that they shine on the Slovak market!

Stay tuned for more! Next time we’ll look at how to write the perfect product description.

